Saturday, July 12, 2014

This Week

This week was a little more down-tempo than others; we were all recovering from a persistent cold (yes, it's July and yes, again), and by "all", I'm including Opa, Nana and Myriam.  Ugh.  Maybe August will be illness-free?  One month out of twelve?  

Honestly, when people ask me about the most challenging aspect of managing four kids under four, it has to be the constant illness and contagion.  True, herding them around is a struggle, and I often feel as though I'm running an insane asylum:  hysteria because the milk isn't blue, because they miss the Kleenex I threw out, because they only want to wear one pink sock, because they want the light on, no off, no ON... It's hard to split yourself in four while managing a household, which is why I'm eternally grateful for the help I receive.  All that is tough.  However, it is much, much tougher when doing so with a fever, chills and one eye swelled shut.  Or no voice.  You don't get the best out of anyone - kid or parent - when they don't feel well.  I am fortunate that these aren't serious illnesses, so I do try to keep my griping to a minimum.  But I'd love for us all to be well for our trip to New Brunswick.

Anyways, our week started off with a lovely visit from Aunt Jane, and a playdate with their friend Matthew from preschool.  We visited the library, and spent a lot of time getting super wet and mucky in the backyard.  One evening, we also found this little guy (and his brother and mum) eating our sour cherries.  They were so small, they still had their baby fluff.  Edward was less than impressed.

The Puzzle King has an apprentice....

Our littlest VMA (Very Muddy Adventurer)... yum?

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