Sunday, April 21, 2013

Museum Visit & 31 weeks, 5 days

Edward's sister Gillian (aka Aunt Benny) visited us this weekend, and she and Edward took the Ducklings to the Museum of Science and Technology this morning... allowing Sprocket and I some much appreciated time to hang a blind and a bassinet canopy.  The kids had a blast, and really loved (some would say loved a little TOO much, and melted down when it was time to move on) the hands-on exhibits.  I have really fond memories of the museum when I was little, in particular the giant train room, so I'm pleased they enjoyed it.  We're making great use of our gifted membership, and can hardly wait to spend our summer re-visiting these favourites!

Aunt Benny and the crew

Made for three!  

The make-your-own-car exhibit that Colin did not want to leave.  No surprise there!

With Edward on the skidoo ride

This is also a significant day for Baby Z and I, because today marks 31 weeks and 5 days of this pregnancy, which is the gestational day I delivered the Ducklings two and half years ago.   Very bittersweet.  I remember how thrilled - and yet how terrified - I was to meet my babies two months before their due date.  I fervently hope that Baby Z continues to cook for a long while yet.

As you can see, Baby Z and I continue to grow at a, um, hearty rate!

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for longer cooking times. I remember being thrilled that you had made it as far as you did. I can't believe still that you are going to have another little one this summer. You look beautiful.
