Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our Week in Pictures

I thought it was Thursday two days ago... it's been a loooong week!  That being said, I did manage to capture a few moments worthy of note:

Monday (and Thursday's) dinner was tourtiere.  This was very much a communal effort:  Edward made the filling and the pastry from scratch, my mother and I constructed the pie and I fiddled with the vents.  It turned out really well, and we will definitely make it again.

I was in the nursery at 4:30 Wednesday morning (a nightly occurrence +) because Colin was asking for help; by the time I got there he was asleep again.  However, I noticed that Keith had his thin fleece blanket wrapped around his neck... so, the next day while they were napping, I went to Ikea and picked up three duvets and covers.  I had wanted to upgrade them to bigger kid bedding for a while, but wow, were they EVER thrilled!   The happy shrieking went on a for a good ten minutes, and they could hardly wait to crawl under the covers ;)  We'll milk that enthusiasm for as long as we can.

All dressed up and wearing Nana's shoes

My bump... 18 weeks on Saturday, ultrasound on Monday afternoon.  I had a little scare two weeks ago due to some pressure and discomfort, and an ultrasound showed a low-lying placenta.  At the moment, no one is too concerned, but I'll be anxious to see on Monday whether it's moved in the right (or wrong) direction.  There is an excellent chance that it will move out of the way as the baby grows.

Reading on the guest bed in the Jeannie Suite

Today was our first Toddlertime at the library since early December, and the Ducklings really enjoyed being back in the groove.  I was impressed, because they were much more participatory than they were last session - they even chose to each sit on a cushion, as opposed to clambouring all over Nana and Mummy's laps.  Small steps for our understandably insular trio.  They simply don't have to strike out on their own too much socially, so they need a little more encouragement in that regard.  

To that end, they also started a Mom & Me dance class on Saturday mornings.  The first class was last week, and Evelyn really got into it; the boys, less so.  Keith spent the last half hour asking to be let out of the room, and Colin shed a few tears over Itsy Bitsy Spider.  However, they've been practicing the moves Miss Candace taught them (knee bends, bunny hops, twirling around, kicks down the room, etc), and I'll be interested to see how they do this week.  If nothing else, I enjoy the class!

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