Sadly, no pictures this time... We've had a busy week or two, and there are pics lurking in the wings, but they might have to wait until I have more time to sort through them!
So, we've been feeding the babies solids every day since our last post. To date, they have tried sweet potato (Keith's #1 food), pear (Colin's #1 food), squash (okaaay), blueberries (mess-YYY but tasty), carrots (Evelyn's #1 food), apple (a total crowd-pleaser), combinations of these offerings and today was... fish. Yes, Edward insisted that they try fish. Cod, mixed with squash to be exact. I do not like cod but Edward loves it, so I was interested to see how the little ones would react.
Any guesses? Keith swallowed every bite with a smile on his face. Evelyn gave Edward a look that left no illusions about her revulsion, however to her credit, she did swallow a little before spitting most of it out. And Colin, well, he cried. He refused to open his mouth and then cried inconsolably at the injustice of it all. I had to break out the carrots to placate Colin and Evelyn (she actually bounces in her seat for carrots!), and even then, Colin remained very skeptical. To be honest, I think it was a bit of a texture issue because Edward couldn't puree the fish to the extent we puree the veggies and fruit. And from what I've read, texture needs to be introduced after they have more experience with food because it can throw them off.
This leaves us with a conundrum for tomorrow... what to feed them, if not fish? We might have to root through the freezer to come up with an alternative for Colin and Evelyn. Next on the list will be beans, peas and chicken. We try everything for three days in order to rule out any allergic reactions, so we'll have to see if we persevere with the cod :S
In other news, Keith held his bottle for a portion of his 4:30pm feed! They've all spent the last few months with their hands on their bottles, with brief moments of self-sufficiency more as a result of a fortuitous placement of hands than a deliberate intention to feed themselves. But Keith has made a lot of progress over the past few days, and today he wanted to give it a try on his own. He didn't spill one drop, but once he was tired of his experiment he casually tossed his bottle over his shoulder onto the floor. I think we still have to iron out a few of the logistics! But, yay Big Baby B Keith!!!