Monday, May 19, 2014

All About ME!!!!!!

Hello everyone!  It's been a while since we chatted...  As you can see, I'm growing like a weed!   I still don't have any teeth, but that just means I get to keep my adorable gummy smile a little longer.

I love my big brother Colin's chair!

Why, hello there!

Me on the move.  I still need a little help, but I'm much steadier on my feet and sometimes, I even forget that I want a hand or two to hold and stand on my own for a few minutes.  Oh, and I LOVE Sprocket.  Almost as much as I love crackers.  Almost....

Aunt Pinie was here for a visit, and here she is leaving.  We were so sad to see her (and Monkey) go!  Mummy took this picture to show my big brothers and sister the taxi that took her to the airport because they were eating lunch and raising quite a fuss about, well, everything.  They are SO LOUD!  To compete, I have to be SO LOUD at 2am, otherwise they'd drown me out...

Must go!  Puppy and I have some conspiring to do.... it may involve a scheme to demand plenty of cookies which just happen to fall into someone's gaping maw.


  1. The photographs and the commentary are lovely!

  2. Thank you, Curtis! And many thanks also for the birthday wishes :) Hoping all is well with you and Patsy, Deborah, Bill and the girls!!
