Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It Happened....

We've been dealing with yet another major cold in our household, and once again, this one held Malcolm pretty tightly in its grip.  He still has a chesty cough and crusty nose, but luckily, he didn't develop a fever and his appetite was unaffected.   His sleeping gets rough when he's feeling under the weather, which is a challenge even when everyone is feeling well.

However, for the past few daytime naps, I noticed that he needed less of my intervention.  Our usual routine is for me to put him in his crib where he plays happily until he cries, then I come in and rock him to the point where he is almost asleep before I put him down again and he drifts off.  I started to observe that when he called me in to rock him, he had his soother in his mouth.  Then, yesterday, he didn't call me at all.  He made a few unhappy noises, but nothing panicky.  I snuck in a few minutes later, and there he was, fast asleep, all on his own.

I think I heard the angels singing.

To be fair, he has been doing this at night for a few weeks (until interrupted by a cold), but this is a harder sleeping situation.  He is less tired, the room isn't dark and there's usually quite a bit of noise in the house.

This morning, I tried to repeat the performance and.... he drifted off on his own.  We'll see what the next few days hold!

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