Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Counting Down

I realized this morning that it's been a while since my last Baby Z update.  No news is good news, in this case, and the two of us are still happily - albeit slowly - chugging along.  I'm now seeing my OBGYN weekly, which is a definite milestone.  I remember getting my appointment card for the last few months leading up to my c-section with the Ducklings.  It probably had 5 or 6 appointments listed on it, and I'd look at them wondering how many I'd manage to eke out before our luck would turn.  This time, we're almost within the two week range of Baby Z's eviction notice, which will be served at 10am on June 14th.  I know the baby will likely be fine if s/he comes within the next two weeks, but I remain determined to hang on to the bitter end.

I'm definitely feeling slow and heavy; however, when I looked at the above picture taken this morning, I noticed that I seemed taller than my 5'2 self.  At first, I chalked it up to the mirror, but then I realized that when one is this enormously round, all other proportions look a little skewed.  You know you're getting big when your large-sized maternity top stops short to reveal the waistband of your large-sized maternity pants...

Behind me is a glimpse of Baby Z's nook.  I thought I'd be done it by now, but I had a set-back with the mobile I was making and I'll be starting over once a few items arrive in the mail.  I was disappointed that it didn't turn out; well, actually, it looked awesome until I hung it under the canopy.  The scale was all wrong.  So, I'm salvaging what I can and hoping my Plan B is a better fit.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to give post pictures of a completed (very) wee nook before the end of next week.

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