Friday, January 25, 2013

Still In The Deep Freeze

This week has been pretty cold.  Still, we managed to beat cabin fever a few mornings, with a romp and lunch at Nana and Opa's house (always a huge hit), and Toddlertime at the library yesterday.  This morning, we decided to do some "colourings" at the dining room table.  Evelyn insisted on bringing a chair from upstairs - with help from Nana.  Initially, she tried to sit on the chair and colour on the table, but this posed logistical difficulties.  But this works, too.


  1. This is from personal experince...
    Just a comment about standing on chairs. It is good to teach the children to always put the back of the chair up against the wall so the chair back will not be in the way in the instance that they need to get off in a hurry. You may save yourself a trip to the hospital in the future.
    Evelyn would be safer if she had the chair back in front of her while standing to colour.

  2. Very good point, Merri! In fact, after this photo was taken, poor Colin managed to fall off the chair TWICE. For some reason, they don't seem to have the same issue with the kitchen chairs, so I think we'll stick to colouring in the kitchen on our inclement weather days.
