Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Keith, our sleepy candy cane (with reindeer feet)
Colin, our little elf
Evelyn, our tiny sugar plum

My intention was to take some lovely Christmas pictures at home, and put up a few of the "out takes" for a chuckle. Well, true to form, they ALL turned out to be out takes. Nevertheless, we find them to be an accurate snapshot of our daily life: a) someone is always crying b) someone is always outgrowing an item of clothing c) the dog makes everything a lot more... interesting. Video proof to follow.

But most importantly, we wish you all a wonderful Christmas with your friends and families, and a restful holiday season. Relish those quiet moments in front of a roaring fire, a leisurely uninterrupted Christmas dinner, a glass of wine or two with friends... and spare a thought for us - we'll be slogging it out in the trenches, and we wouldn't want it any other way!


  1. A very Merry Christmas to you and your newly enlarged family. Its wonderful to see them thriving so well!

  2. Merry Christams to you all. May this be the first of years of memorable Holidays to come!
    Just finished Christmas dinner with "the family" and you were definitely missed.
    Love to all, Lynn
