Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Surprise Shower

A few weeks ago, I got a call from one of Edward's coworkers. They had decided to throw him a surprise baby shower, and wanted to know if there was a specific item we needed and what day would work best. Given my months of medical leave and a *small* on-line addiction, I told her we had most of the bases covered, and advised that our prenatal appointments were on Wednesdays but any other day would work well.

A few follow-up phonecalls later, and the party was all set for September 20th at 2pm. They graciously invited me too, but I deferred until the last minute as my ability to participate in, well, just about anything is pretty conditional at this point. Happily, the intrepid party planners even managed to find a wheelchair, so with that in place I was ready to party!

Edward suspected something was up... on Sunday night he told me that he was suddenly being asked to attend a meeting the following morning at 9am, and mused about the possibility that it was nothing more than a ruse to camouflage "festivities". I could tell the whole concept of a baby shower made him uncomfortable, which only served to heighten my enthusiasm for the following afternoon ;) However, we both concluded that the likelihood of having a shower at 9am on a Monday morning was pretty low. He did, however, have a meeting at 2pm that he really wasn't looking forward to....

After being picked up at the house by one of Edward's colleagues and being wheeled to the reserved conference room in grand style, I was amazed and extremely touched by all the effort that went in to organizing the event. There were flowers, balloons, streamers, snacks, gifts and a gorgeous (and absolutely delicious!) cake that featured three baby faces identified as "A", "B" and "C". It truly was a sight to behold. The turn out was incredible - at least 60 people - and the rousing "SURPRISE!!" that greeted poor Edward as he turned the corner, pen and paper in hand in anticipation of his "meeting", was pretty awe-inspiring!

Of course, Edward was completely taken aback and it took a few seconds for him to take it all in - he was definitely surprised to see me sitting there. A few people asked whether the look on his face was in any way similar to his expression when he found out about the triplets - and you know, it was pretty close - although at that moment 21 weeks ago he turned somewhat ashen, whereas yesterday there was a distinct reddish tinge to his face ;) Neither of us are really comfortable being the centre of attention (as evidenced by our wedding) but the group gathered yesterday was so kind, encouraging and truly interested to hear about our situation that it was a pleasure to share a few anecdotes with them. The gifts were adorable and thoughtful, and the collection of funds was so generous that Edward and I were rendered speechless. My mother and I went to the bank this morning and put the money directly into the babies' account. We know how useful it will be down the road, possibly for the purchase of a triplet stroller in the spring.

We had such a good time yesterday afternoon!! It was a real treat for me to get out of the house (and put on makeup; and my new top!) and meet all of the wonderful people Edward works with, and of whom he speaks so highly. It was very, very touching to see how much time and effort they put in to organizing the party, and so it seems the feeling is mutual :)

A huuuuge thank you to everyone who planned and attended the event. It could not have turned out any better, and we feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to celebrate with you! Edward promises that he'll bring the little ones in to meet everyone.... preferably a lot, and for long periods of time... :P We know there will be plenty of warm laps and cuddles awaiting them.

1 comment:

  1. That is so nice! What thoughtful coworkers! I can just picture Ed's face as he walked into the surprise party, lol
