Tuesday, November 25, 2014

This Is New....

I don't mean to brag (insert sarcasm), but at this point, Edward and I are pretty conversant in contagion and it's various, miserable permutations.  And, not like I'm counting in a petty, somewhat childish way, but at least one member of our household (and usually two or more) has been sick 52 weeks out of the past 64.  

Last week, I got the stomach flu and a cold simultaneously.  I was secretly hoping it was food poisoning, because that isn't contagious.  Alas, Keith was up two nights in a row sick to his stomach, and Evelyn suffered the same symptoms last night.  Now, however, for the first time, we have two illnesses in the house at once manifested in two different people - Evelyn and her stomach flu, and Colin and his bad cold.

It looks something like this:

Colin passed out at the dinner table tonight, and Evelyn probably wishing she was passed out...

May this be the last time this year we have a confluence of nasty bugs.  Because between upset stomachs and perpetually runny all-over-everything noses, let me tell you, that's a LOT of laundry.

I'm also hoping this guy has had the worst of it - he had a rumbly, upset tummy at the same time I was sick last week - because at the moment, he is blissfully unaware of what lurks around him... and I think I have reached my quota of sad and miserable little people for the week.

Malcolm (and Sniffer) enjoying his snack this afternoon

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