Monday, January 23, 2012

More Babies for Jeannie

This video, taken today, is actually two smaller offerings spliced together.

The first ends when I make the newbie triplet parent mistake of sitting within range of the babies whilst holding a shiny piece of technology, ie. the video recorder. Picture six grippy, inquisitive hands vs two, one of which is trying to hold the video recorder aloft and out of danger. Another newbie mistake is sitting on the floor and absentmindedly asking them to find your nose. Again, the swarm of thirty pokey fingers descends. And while one is happily trying to wrench your nose off your face, another is gleefully stabbing you in the "AHHH" (babyspeak for "eye") while the third is shoving all ten fingers into your mouth. There are times where I feel like the fool who tried to feed the anaconda on his own... I have actually shouted "I'm going down" when the babies have pulled me to the floor, and realized that I'm at home alone with only Sprocket to save me. This is a sobering thought. The babies are of an age and heft where they can inflict some serious damage, and the dog, while lovable in a neurotic mess sort of a way, is an idiot.

The second video is taken by Edward and ends when he had to rescue Colin from the rocking chair. Colin loves getting into the chair and can rock himself, but he has a tendency to climb into it backwards.

For those who may be new to the blog, Jeannie is Edward's grandmother who is currently in a hospital in Moncton. Here's hoping that these videos provide a little levity for everyone involved. Much love to you all.

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