A hot day at Point du Chene... the babies are all able to hold their own small bottles now and feed themselves (here they're guzzling water), but they still pefer being on a warm lap and gazing into someone's eyes :)
Keith took a great interest in Edward's beer. This was their second restaurant experience and they did very well, lasting an hour and a quarter until they decided they had enough - and wanted their dinner!
Just a quick word to say that were safely and comfortably ensconced in Percy's cottage at Point du Chene (aka the family "compound" at Parlee Beach). Our 12 hour overnight trip turned into a 16 hour slog that truly tested our mettle. We got stuck in Montreal traffic for two hours, the dog was violently carsick on several occasions (um, both ends...) and I think we shared 2 hours of sleep between the 3 adults in the car. The babies were as good as gold, and as their morning feed time rolled around, we had to detour to an Irving Big Stop so they could have their bottles. They did extremely well at the restaurant, and we were encouraged to repeat the experience a few days later at the local Wednesday night fish fry. So now we know we can dine out with the babies and survive the ordeal!!
The weather here has been quite cool and overcast, but we've loved our daily hour long walks in the salt air. We have tonnes of help, so Edward and I get to catch a break every now and again... and one of their neighbours has generously offered the use of her internet (we have no phone!) so we can reconnect if and when needed. To be honest, it's been great to take a break from the rest of the world. Next week, we're heading back to Ottawa to close on our new and old houses, so I may try to post again once we have reestablished ourselves in our new abode.
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