Thursday, June 24, 2010

How Two Became Three

8 weeks

10 weeks

When we drop the bombshell that we are expecting triplets, people often ask us how we coped with the news. I usually tell them that we are still in the process of answering that question. While we feel incredibly blessed, none one can deny that the life-altering prospect of three preemies (who will one day become 3 toddlers... and 3 teenagers) is jarring. Add the complexities and tribulations of a high-risk pregnancy, the underlying fear of babies born with significant medical problems, and the Great Unknown of parenting children who outnumber available parents, and the whole thing is more than a little overwhelming.

Luckily for us, we had some time to adjust to the concept of multiples... At our 4, 6 and 8 week ultrasounds, we were overjoyed to see two heartbeats blazing across the screen.

At our 10 week ultrasound, the sonographer had barely turned on the machine when she suddenly asked us "How many were there last time?" Immediately assuming we had lost one, we informed her that there had been two. She leapt out of her chair and ran for the doctor. The screen was parallel to my head, so I had to crane my neck to see it. But the moment I did, I saw as clear as day that there were three little heartbeats on the screen. Baby C had made its appearance, likely in an effort to secure a little more elbow room.

But now, the better question is are we ready for this?! The answer is absolutely not :) But then, who could be? Our mantra is One Day At a Time, and I suspect we'll continue clinging to those words after they make their appearance!

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